Ryan Price, Pastor of Fort Lauderdale Baptist Church, received his bachelor degree from Pensacola Christian College as well as his Master of Divinity from Pensacola Theological Seminary. His wife, Melissa, also graduated from PCC. She plays the piano and is involved in almost every church ministry.
Pastor Price's experience includes serving as assistant Pastor at West Park Baptist Church in Delray Beach, FL. There he led youth ministry, taught adult Sunday School, and preached Wednesday teen services, as well as serving in full-time capacity in every role required of Dr. Michael McClure. He served as full-time staff from Spring of 2000 until January 2004.
After completing the major requirements for his Master of Divinity in 2005 he and his wife moved from Pensacola, Florida to Fort Lauderdale in order to start a church. On May 14, 2006 Fort Lauderdale Baptist Church opened its doors and has been reaching Fort Lauderdale for Jesus Christ ever since.
Pastor Price has a zeal for the Word of God both to know it and to preach it. His work doesn't end on Sunday though, he uses every day to reach those who have never heard the gospel and disciple those who know Christ as their savior. FLBC has had a passion for door-to-door evangelism and makes great effort to go out every day.
Pastor Price’s passion is to proclaim the Bible so that Christians will develop a greater love for God’s Word. His preaching is characterized by verse-by-verse exposition.

Matthew Brown, Assistant to Pastor Price, serves in
various aspects of Fort Lauderdale Baptist Church. His major
responsibilities include directing the teen and music ministries.
Brother Matt has been blessed to have had opportunities to
serve in the bus, children's, music, and nursing home ministries of his church
since he was a young teenager. He also gained invaluable experience during his
years studying at Golden State Baptist College preaching or playing piano for
churches in need, as the student director of the college's nursing home
ministries, and as senior class chaplain. Between school years, he dedicated
two summers to traveling as an evangelist to children and teenagers in the U.S.
and Europe with Neighborhood Bible Time, as well as seven months interning for
Pastor Price in 2020.
He graduated from GSBC with bachelor degrees in missions and music ministries in May, 2022. He has been working full-time at FLBC since June, 2022, and is looking forward to a lifetime of serving the Lord and His church.