Church Planting
Every thriving church is a church planting church and Fort Lauderdale Baptist Church is no exception. FLBC was started in 2006 as a church plant. In 2012 we planted Marathon Baptist Church. In 2014 we started Miami Beach Baptist Church. Both of these churches are thriving and Southernmost Baptist Church was planted in 2021 as an outgrowth of Marathon Baptist Church. We plant churches not because we are the best or most equipped to do so, but because it must be done.
How can I help?
- Pray - The work of God can only be done through much prayer. "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Are you faithful? Are you praying? Please pray for contacts, converts, and committed Christians?
- Give - He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, but what a blessing it would be to know that God is using your personal sacrifice to make his name known. Giving need not be monetary. A vehicle, boat, property, or inheritance could be what God would use either directly or to be sold to further the work.
- Come - The rich young ruler chose his possessions over following Jesus. God wants to use you. You may be useful where you are, but is it God's best in your life? God may be able to use you more in a church plant. Your light will shine the brightest in a place where it is needed. Are you in a place where it is needed?
How can my church help?
Just as a healthy plant reproduces itself, so a healthy church plants new churches. Sometimes those churches are planted through missionaries in foreign fields, other times they are planted near an existing church that can support and nurture the new ministry. Your church can be part of this by explicitly supporting a church planting effort. This can be done either through a one time offering that can help pay for startup costs, or through scheduled contributions that can provide time for the church to become self-supporting.