Children's Ministry

For 2024 our theme is "One Way" based on John 14:6. To sign up for VBS, go to lauderdalebaptist.org/vbs.html.
Jesus said we should let the children come to Him and we want to fulfill that mission by reaching children at an early age. Even very young children can understand the simple truths of God's Word regarding who made us, what sin is, who has sinned, who Jesus is, and how he came to save them. Children are never pressured to make a decision and are taught at their level with breaks, snacks, and teaching aids to make the truths presented become clear.
You can be a part of this ministry! Children often just need someone there to help whether it is to color a picture or understand where they should go. You do not need to be able to teach to help a child.
Each summer we hold a free Vacation Bible School (VBS) program to help children grow to love God more and to reach out to others to get them to come as well. We have contests, games, prizes, snacks, and of course preaching and teaching from the Bible.

Psalm 144:15

John 14:6

Matthew 6:21

John 1:1